Our grassroots efforts began in 1895 with just a handful of individual companies and member volunteers in Pennsylvania coming together to engage officials, customers and public utility commissioners on water issues.
Moving water forward
It wasn’t until 1971, when we moved to Washington, DC, and adopted our current name and mission, that the National Association of Water Companies began providing member services on a national level.
Today, our chapters located throughout the country bring our national mission to the local level and keep moving water forward through community outreach, public affairs and advocacy efforts.
Every chapter and group is unique to its area. All were formed at different times and for different reasons, but what they have in common is a focus on the specific water challenges facing their regions and a commitment to work with others to try and solve them now. Current NAWC chapters include California, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, New England, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Southeast, and Texas.
For information on how you can join or start a chapter, email us at
California Chapter
The California Water Association (CWA) is an independent organization that also serves as a chapter of the NAWC.
CWA represents the interests of approximately 125 investor-owned water utilities that are regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission, and that strive to provide high-quality water utility services to customers throughout California. CWA provides a forum for sharing best management practices; a means of promoting sound water policy by legislators and regulatory agencies; and opportunities for educating the public on the protection and efficient use of water resources.
For more information on CWA, contact Jennifer Capitolo at
Delaware Chapter
The Delaware Chapter of the NAWC meets monthly and holds an annual luncheon program focusing on a topic of interest to the regulated water utility industry.
The chapter serves as a source of information for its members as well as state legislators.
Active NAWC members in Delaware include:
- Artesian Water Company
- Veolia Delaware
- Sussex Shores Water Company
- Tidewater Utilities Inc.
Chapter Chair
Kelly Zahorchak
Sussex Shores Water Company
Illinois Chapter
The Illinois Chapter of the NAWC is committed to communicating the value of water and the value of the private water service industry as we work to keep moving water forward.
It is only by working together with like-minded professionals in coalitions that we are able to make a difference and work toward common legislative and regulatory objectives.
Active NAWC members in Illinois include:
- Aqua Illinois
- Utilities, Inc.
- Veolia Water North America
Associate memberships for the Illinois Chapter are available. Please contact Craig Blanchette for more information.
Chapter Chair
Craig Blanchette
President, Aqua Illinois
Indiana Chapter
The Indiana Chapter of the NAWC was initially formed in 1985.
Our accomplishments include successfully lobbying the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to adopt DSIC in 1999. In September the Indiana Chapter holds a Water Summit to provide key stakeholders with an opportunity to hear about the latest issues water challenges and how NAWC members are providing solutions every day.
Active NAWC members in Indiana include:
- Citizens Energy Group
- Aqua Indiana
- Corix Utilities
Chapter Chair
Jeff Willman
President, Vice President of Water Operations, Citizens Energy Group
New England Chapter
New England
The New England Chapter of the NAWC is somewhat unique in that it represents multiple states within New England with different regulatory structures and programs.
While this could be seen as a challenge, we see it as an opportunity to benefit from members’ experiences and perspectives in those states.
The New England Chapter holds two large conferences each year in the spring and fall.
Active NAWC members in New England include:
- Aquarion Water of Connecticut
- Aquarion Water of Massachusetts
- Aquarion Water of New Hampshire
- Connecticut Water
- Hazzardville Water
- Jewett City Water
- Maine Water
- Torrington Water
- Whittinsville Water
Chapter Chairs
Troy Dixon
Connecticut Water
NAWC New England Scholarship
The New England Chapter of the National Association of Water Companies will award a $2500 scholarship to a graduating high school senior in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire or Rhode Island. The deadline is April 25,2025, and the application and information can be found here.
New Jersey Chapter
New Jersey
The NAWC New Jersey Chapter works to advance issues of interest to our membership and encourage educational opportunities among the regulatory community.
We have spent considerable time over the past few years working with a variety of stakeholders, including the Board of Public Utilities, Rate Counsel, various customer groups, and the New Jersey Utilities Association to advance DSIC in New Jersey.
For more information, contact Gail Brady at
Active NAWC members in New Jersey include:
- Aqua New Jersey
- Gordon’s Corner Water Co.
- Middlesex Water Company
- Veolia New Jersey
Chapter chair
Jay L. Cooper
Middlesex Water Company
Chapter Treasurer
Robert J. Capko
Middlesex Water
NAWC New Jersey Scholarship
The New Jersey Chapter of the National Association of Water Companies Association is offering two $5,000 scholarships to high school students who will be attending a New Jersey college or university and is interested in the water utility industry with related fields. To fill out an application, click here. Please email completed applications to Gail Brady at Applications are due by March 31, 2025.
New York Chapter
New York
Active NAWC members in New York include:
- Liberty
- Veolia New York
Chapter Chair
Chris Graziano
Regional President, Veolia New York
Ohio Chapter
The Ohio Chapter of the NAWC meets annually with representatives of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO), and the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel to review and comment on changes in the regulatory environment.
This access gives our members an opportunity to have their voices heard and impact the regulatory environment within the state.
Active NAWC members in Ohio include:
- Aqua Ohio
Pennsylvania Chapter
The Pennsylvania Chapter of the NAWC was the organization’s first state chapter.
The chapter provides a vehicle for expressing the position of regulated investor-owned water supply utilities in Pennsylvania on such legislative and regulatory developments through correspondence, testimony, participation on regulatory advisory committees, etc. before the General Assembly and regulatory agencies.
Active NAWC members in Pennsylvania include:
- Aqua Pennsylvania
- Columbia Water
- Newtown Artesian
- Veolia Pennsylvania
- York Water Company
Chapter chair
Marc Lucca
President, Aqua Pennsylvania
Southeast Chapter
The Southeast Chapter of NAWC is a multi-state chapter that represents companies throughout the southeastern region.
The Chapter representation includes Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. By far the Southeast Chapter represents the largest geographical area within NAWC chapters. So, it is vitally important to connect our members on a variety of important water and regulatory issues.
The Southeast Chapter serves as advocate for members on state regulatory issues, water challenges, and innovative industry trends. The Chapter works to keep membership proactively engaged and promote and advance water issues vital to a successful industry.
Active members in the Southeast chapter:
- Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina
- Blue Granite Water Company
- Aqua North Carolina
- Tennessee Water Service
Chapter chair
Shannon Becker
President, Aqua North Carolina
Texas Chapter
The intent of the Texas Chapter of NAWC is to provide a unified voice for all of the regulated water/wastewater companies in the state, both large and small.
The Chapter’s goal is to seek membership from not only the larger water and wastewater companies, but also to expand our membership to include companies with as few as 500 customers. This Chapter will help regulated water and wastewater companies in Texas jointly address the various issues that impact our industry as a whole.
Please contact Ashley Myers for more information or for membership inquiries.
Current Officers
Jeff McIntyre
Tom Hodge
Darrin Barker
Executive Director
Ashley Myers
Board of Directors
Jeff McIntyre
SouthWest Water Company
Darrin Barker
Corix Texas
Tom Hodge
San Jose Water Texas
Shelley Young
Water Engineers
Simon Sequeira
Quadvest Utilities