Environmental Stewardship

Regulated, private water companies are leading the way in protecting the environment and promoting sustainable solutions.

Protecting water for generations to come

NAWC members are committed to protecting the environment and to using our most precious resource – water – wisely.

Improving environmental stewardship is one of the most often-cited reasons government-run utilities give for deciding to work with a water company.

For regulated water companies, sustainability is essential. The fact is, NAWC members are helping to lead the way on water conservation with green, energy-saving initiatives that make a difference for the communities they serve. Proactive infrastructure replacement also keeps treated water from being lost to old and leaky infrastructure, which results in a loss of six billions gallons of water each day.


Americans benefit from affordable and sustainable water and wastewater services provided by regulated water companies that utilize smart water use practices

Water conservation practices

From Connecticut to California, our members are educating customers about the importance of protecting natural resources and the environment. NAWC members have a strong track record of helping communities improve their water conservation practices through award-winning community education programs and water audits.

Leak detection

A small leak can still cause the loss of thousands of gallons of water each month. NAWC members use technology to find leaks quickly to not only avoid water being wasted but also save the customer from an unnecessarily high water bill.


NAWC members constantly look for ways both the company and the customer can improve water use and ensure we have this critical resource for generations to come. NAWC member companies offer tools and tips for conserving water, like a water use calculator tool to help support wise water use – saving water and money.

Water recycling

NAWC members recycle water by taking wastewater and treating it until it is suitable for a new use, such as agricultural and landscape irrigation, industrial processes and toilet flushing. Water recycling offers continued resource and financial savings for both the water company and the customer.

Watershed protection

Watersheds are areas of land where runoff water from rain and snow drains into a lake, stream, river or wetland. Water moving across the ground picks up any pollutants in its way, including motor oil, pet waste, pesticides or litter. Because watersheds provide habitat for wildlife and a source of water for homes and businesses, NAWC members work every day to protect this precious, natural resource.