NAWC supports White House's continued focus on water safety issues with lead service line replacement summit

January 27, 2023
“We welcome the Administration’s continued attention to the safety of the water American’s drink every day."

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Association of Water Companies (NAWC) Friday commended the Biden-Harris Administration’s ongoing focus on the nation’s water and wastewater infrastructure issues after the White House hosted a summit on lead water service line replacement.

The summit included initiatives to accelerate progress toward achieving the goal of 100% lead service line removal and replacement within 10 years. The “Lead Service Line Replacement Accelerators” initiative provides targeted technical assistance services to help underserved communities access funds from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and replace lead pipes.

“We welcome the Administration’s continued attention to the safety of the water American’s drink every day,” said NAWC’s President & CEO Rob Powelson. “The initiatives highlighted during the summit underscore the ongoing focus by NAWC and its member companies on the importance of fixing the country’s ailing water infrastructure in order to ensure every resident has access to safe, reliable drinking water.

“NAWC’s 10 largest members alone invest more than $3.9 billion annually to maintain and improve their systems including the removal of lead lines. The men and women of America’s water companies are an integral part of their local communities and are personally invested in ensuring that the water is safe when we turn on our taps.”

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